Preparing bags for charity pick-ups is a process that encourages me to rethink my closets, my collections, my life. Thoughtfully recalling the words of manic cleaner-uppers and professional organizers, whom I dare not engage, I smile at their idea of a place for everything.
With the equinox just past us and the feel of autumn teasing the air, I'm ready to unpack my sweaters and cool weather clothes. (I like to dress in layers and recommend it to anyone who will listen.) The changeover encourages me to edit out clothes I no longer need or wear and recycle them.
With this on my mind, I happened upon another approach to recycling sweaters. A textile designer created orbs of sweater remnants and wrapped them in contrasting yarn to make holiday ornaments. They are available at Viva Terra as Festive Sweater Ornaments and on sale for $9 for a set of six. This appears to be a clearance sale, so quantities may be limited.
Go green with sweaters!
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